Delivering a circular economy takes cooperation, partnership and networking. Here’s some of the organisations we work with who are on the same journey.
The Circular Economy Hub (CE-Hub) brings together academics, industry practitioners, policymakers and civic society stakeholders committed to delivering circular economy research and innovation programmes in a joint and systemic way.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
At the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, we develop and promote the idea of a circular economy. We work with, and inspire, business, academia, policymakers, and institutions to mobilise systems solutions at scale, globally.
Rare Earth Industry Association
Critical Materials Institute
Critical Minerals Association
BGS Research
Critical Raw Materials
Mineral raw materials are fundamental to human existence. ‘If you cannot grow it, you have to mine it.’ All minerals and metals used in manufacturing, including recycled material, have ultimately been mined from the Earth’s crust.
Mineral Resource Security & Flows
The BGS comprehensively monitors mineral production, trade flows and other relevant statistics within the UK, together with associated analysis related to the circular economy (for construction/industrial minerals) and material supply security issues.
The Geological Society
Geoscience skills and research will play a critical role in delivering national and international decarbonisation targets and net-zero commitments.We are working to understand and raise awareness of the various ways that geoscience will underpin the energy transition, particularly with decision makers and stakeholders outside the field. Here we will collect resources and planned activities in the area of geoscience and decarbonisation.